Advancing Digitization Knowledge Towards Systems of Transformation Enablement
Dear Research Community, Colleagues, Students and Friends:
Since the day I have appointed to be Director of Advanced Research Center at Graduate School of Business and Advanced Technology Management (GS-BATM) in September 2020, I continue to witness a strong, collegial community and impressed by the collaborative approaches to complex problem-solving throughout our research community as we work together to assess the evolving situation and to provide rapid, informed research guidance. Clearly, I have been introduced to Assumption University at its best, particularly at a time it is most challenged.
Let me acknowledge our researcher team and friends who have participated and designed new GS-BATM research platform formats. We are aware of the urgent need to uphold the well-being and integrity of our Research Projects, Individual Research (IR), Independent Study (IS) and Thesis to upgrade the quality of research to meet international standard. I am confident that our faculty of GS-BATM, collectively, will lead the transformation from this period to an era of restoration and renewed purposes.
As part of the GS-BATM Advanced Research Center, I am looking forward to see your comments, ideas and assistance; work with others, including those at other faculties and the affiliated universities and partners. Stay informed about fast-moving developments and updates.
Finally, I hope all of you succeed in your career and moving forward to maintain our strong commitment to our Researchers and students and to preserve the Assumption University mission. Let’s work together with resolve to continue advancing the frontiers of changes.
Dr. Rawin Vongurai
Director of GS-BATM Advanced Research Center
Program Director, Ph.D. Innovative Technology Management